Ugly Ducklings (Don't Judge by Appearance)
We shouldn't judge by appearance. We know that. But in reality we often do. Consequently, I believe, we often miss out on the beauty of seeing the ugly duckling now turned graceful swan.
As God's children we picture old faithful Samuel coming to anoint a new king in secret (for fear of Saul's reprisal) at Jesse's home in Bethlehem. Samuel will eventually anoint David, but only after he has viewed the rest of Jesse's stable of sons, seen them rejected by God for that royal office, and learned God's particular method: But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
God does not judge by external appearance. Neither should we.
It is somehow uniquely wonderful, encouraging, and a bit humbling when the world -- the entertainment world even -- comes to acknowledge that truth.
Such was the case with Susan Boyle. This woman came out of nowhere on Britain’s Got Talent (their version of Idol), was almost laughed off the stage, but then gave the crowd a performance of "I Had A Dream" from Les Miserables which resulted in ... well ...
Get a Kleenex and watch ... (YouTube video of Susan Boyle)
May we, as Pastor Olsen recommended in his sermon this morning, laugh and learn and truly live to the fullest our lives that Christ has redeemed ... an integral part of that being our initial acceptance of all others. I think there will be many great surprises -- ugly ducklings -- all along the way.
How about you? Have you had any Ugly Duckling experiences?
[My son told me of another similar video/story on YouTube. Take a look. It is good to dream!]