TWEETING IN CHURCH?? ... Well ... What Are You Tweeting About?

OK, let's talk.  First, "What is Tweeting?"  Tweeting is microblogging.  That probably wasn't helpful, was it?  "What's microblogging?"  That's trying to communicate in 140 characters or less on your phone, messaging service, or online.

So what about tweeting in Church?  Isn't that like doing a crossword puzzle in church? ... or drawing pictures in church? ... or day dreaming?

Maybe.  Maybe not.  For some people it might actually assist them in concentrating on the service or message.  It might be a better way for some folks to share what they're learning while they still remember it.

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Anyway, there's an interesting, maybe even thought provoking article in TIME online  entitled, "Twittering in Church, With the Pastor's Encouragement" (just put your cursor on the article title and click - it's a hyper link).

We aren't wireless in the Sanctuary yet ... and maybe not for the near future. But if you have phone service, Tweeting is probably a possibility.  So after you've read the article above, tell me what you think?  It would be interesting to hear the 'pros' and 'cons' and get something of a discussion going.