"Theses on Worship"

It was in September of 2009 that the Council of Presidents (COP) of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod unanimously adopted "Theses on Worship".  (The Council Of Presidents is made up of all the District Presidents in the LCMS and the President and Vice Presidents of the LCMS.)

This document has been "in process" since the 2007 Synodical Convention and were written in order to foster God-pleasing harmony in the worship of the gracious, merciful, only God.

The Theses are being distributed as widely as possible so that pastors, worship leaders, musicians, and other church leaders can engage in prayerful conversation with one another on this subject, in submission to God’s Holy Word and the Lutheran Confessions.  Please note that a determination was made from the beginning of this study that only the Holy Scriptures and The Lutheran Confessions would be used in the writing of this document.

You will find an introductory letter regarding the "Theses on Worship" from President Kieschnick on the same site where you can view or download (pdf) the theses.

This is the hyper-link for President Kieschnick's introductory letter and the actual Theses themselves.

Please take time to read and study these Theses at your Winkels, among your church leadership, and perhaps even in your Bible Classes with your members.  May God bless your study and discussion of the "Theses on Worship".