People Of Hope
Our tag line for Michigan District mission and ministry over the last 9 years (2010-2019) – directing our prayerful desires, ministry direction, and desired outcomes, even through some of the most difficult economic times since the Great Depression is found in these words: “People of Hope … .”
Because of what Jesus had done for everyone in the world, and because the Holy Spirit has enabled us to believe in Jesus and His saving work, People of Hope is indeed …
who we are! HOPE is …
what we have, and
what we are able to offer and share.
I don’t know that anything is more desperately needed in the world today than HOPE!
Peter reminds us in his First Epistle (letter) that, “In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3)
New Birth? New Life? New Beginnings? Living, Life-changing HOPE?
YES!! Always and Forever … in and through our crucified and risen Savior, Jesus!
No matter what, God’s children can always have hope.
Here’s the deal: in the Bible HOPE is never a wishy washy ‘maybe,’ an uncertain ‘possibility,’ or an unsure, worldly ‘optimism’. Scriptural HOPE is the confident expectation, the sure certainty that what God has promised in the Word is true, has occurred, or will occur according to His Word! Scriptural HOPE is never static or passive but rather a dynamic, active, directive, life sustaining, gracious REALITY!
In other words, HOPE is not an escape from reality, or from our problems. Because it is based on God’s promises and God’s truth in His Word, it’s as real as it gets!
And, it puts us in gear. It changes how …
we see ourselves,
what we value, and
what we DO with our lives “in Christ.”
Because our “faith and hope are in God” (1 Peter 1:21) we hope for, indeed look forward to, and are energized by, God’s presence, peace, and power in the Gospel in our lives, in our present ministry endeavors, and in what He will lead us to do in the future!
Therefore, I believe in Jesus and have hope (confidence) in the power of the Gospel to change anyone’s life today regardless of their gender, social economic status, or race.
I truly believe and hope (have confidence) that the Gospel still works – calling the sinner to repentance, creating faith, and forgiving sins.
I truly believe that the Holy Spirit is alive and well, that according to divine design He has gifted ALL God’s children with spiritual gift(s) that are to be used, expressed, and exercised to the glory of God and the blessing and welfare of all people. The Holy Spirit is always creating new opportunities and methods to share the Gospel.
I believe that all of God’s children are to live and share the Gospel as salt and light (Matt.5:13-15) where they live, work, and play because God determined beforehand where and when they would live on earth (Acts 17:26) to do so, and because the Gospel is God’s power to work salvation.(Rom.1:16)
I believe that congregations are God’s idea and the hope of the world. In our Lutheran congregations the pure Word of God is taught and Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are administered rightly for the salvation and strengthening of souls.
So much more could be said (and in the near future will be).
Together, let’s thank God that by His grace we are “People of Hope.” This Christian HOPE is truly what is needed in Michigan, the United States, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and the world.