A Letter To The Michigan District
Dear Fellow Redeemed,
As we persistently rejoice in the gracious realities of this past Easter’s celebration, may God continue to richly bless you with the joy of sins forgiven, the assurance of Jesus’ shared victory over the grave, and the gift of a powerful, purpose-filled life lived now and forever in His strength.
I am writing this brief letter to offer some answers to questions that I have been frequently receiving. The questions have arisen since (and some before) the names of the three candidates for the Office of President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod were published and announced.
The inquiries have ranged from “Why do you want to leave Michigan?” … to “What happens to the Michigan District if you are elected?” … to “How can we pray for you and Pat during this election process?”
Here are answers with a final appeal for prayer.
First, there is no desire to leave Michigan, but rather a prayerful consideration of availability for God’s use as President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, if He so desires. We are very thankful for how the Lord has blessed the Michigan District and we are thrilled to be, and remain, a part of it. Letting my name stand as a nominee was encouraged by many people from around the country. I also believe that, under God’s grace, I could be a part of bringing some necessary change to our Synod. (From a very personal perspective, we would be leaving our 4 children, 3 children-in-law, and 4 grandchildren—2 of which were just born—in Michigan.) In the end, my nomination is just part of the process of determining where God might continue to use us. This particular process is something very similar to letting my name stand in nomination for the office of the Michigan District President some 10 years ago.
Secondly, the bylaws of the Michigan District and policies of its Board of Directors provide for and require a SUCCESSION PLAN always be in place. Recently, the Board tasked me with sharing with the Vice Presidents—elected last summer by the Michigan District in Convention—a more detailed plan of what the succession plan would entail both from an operational and administrative point of view. Of first importance, Rev. Mark Brandt, Lead Pastor of St. Lorenz Lutheran Church and School in Frankenmuth and First Vice President of the Michigan District, has agreed to become the District President if I were elected as Synodical President. Those involved in hearing more about the succession plan realize the great blessing Pastor Brandt would be to the District in the President’s Office.
Finally, Pat’s and my prayer requests are these: that we remain joyful and humble servants of God and continue to faithfully serve in His grace wherever He would call us; that the process—which some view as overtly political—would not take an undue toll on us as we deal with the extra work involved in letting my name stand in nomination and deal with the oftentimes mean criticisms and judgements that have come my way for doing so; and finally that God would continue to prepare us for, and make abundantly clear, where He would have us serve.
Thank you for your kind acceptance of this letter and for your continued prayer for the Michigan District, for our Synod, for the Synodical convention at the end of July, for the election process, and for Pat and myself. May God be praised in all things.