Rev. Dr. David Maier
Dear Reader,
Here’s an amazing truth: I am loved by God ... and so are you! Only because of Jesus’ love for me - and for the world - as demonstrated in His life, death, and resurrection from the dead, is it possible that God has made me His own beLOVED, JOY-FILLED, HOPE-FILLED CHILD by grace through faith!
What a blessing - a life-changing truth - to know that I am saved by God’s grace through faith - all gifts from God! (Eph.2:8-10) Indeed, it is also a great grace of God that through Christ’s relationship and union with me (Baptism) - as His new creation - that my purpose and privilege in life is to willingly strive to be His faithful friend and disciple, His “salt” and “light”, wherever He has me ‘doing life’. The Holy Spirit IS alive and well (John 16:5-15)! Through daily reading His Word (knowing and “listening” to the Good Shepherd’s voice), following Him (John 10:27, 28), and regularly receiving His forgiveness, strength, and assurance with other fellow sinners and believers at the Holy Supper through which the Holy Spirit mightily works ... there is a great and hope-filled anticipation of life to be lived and Good News to be proclaimed, assured that His Word will not return to Him empty and void.
Not only have I been called out of darkness and a meaningless existence into His marvelous light and salvation but I have also been called by God to be a pastor in The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, a conservative, Bible-believing, confessional church of which I am thankful and proud to be a member. As a pastor I am currently serving many other pastors, teachers, DCEs, DFOs, Ministers of Music, other professional church workers, and our congregations, as the President of the Michigan District and Chairman of the Council of President's of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Here’s how God guided and blessed my life: I graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, in 1982. My father is Dr. Walter A. Maier, Jr., oldest son of the first Lutheran Hour Speaker, and my Mom is Leah, a true servant of God as well. Dr. Paul L. Maier, author and great lecturer, is my Uncle; and Walter A. Maier, III (Triple WAMy) is my big brother, author of Concordia Publishing House's Commentary on First and Second Kings.
Most importantly, I am also a blessed husband to a beautiful, loving, patient wife Pat (Kemmmerling), co-founder of Visual Faith Ministry, who I met at Concordia University (College at the time), Ann Arbor. With Pat, we are parents to four awesome children:
+ Leah - married to Kyle DeWees, parents to our first 3 grandchildren - Beckett , Avery, and Grayson;
+ Joel - fellow cancer survivor who is married to Shae;
+ James - incredible young man with an awesome heart, brilliant mind, and energy to bless anyone he meets; and
+ Hannah - married to Garrett Wenzelburger, and soon to be “Mom” to our youngest grandchild (due Holy Week, 2019).
YES ... I am a truly blessed man! Living under the blood-stained cross of Jesus Christ and near His open, victorious Easter tomb! ... I'm saint and sinner, a living sacrifice and joyful servant, daily being renewed for what lies ahead by grace.
And, I am filled with HOPE for the future of our family, friends, and for The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - joyfully knowing that in, through, and by Jesus Christ ... the Best is Always Yet to Come!
I look forward to doing life with you ... and to you reading this blog.